Death and rebirth
Catterpillar butterfly
Dissipative Structure
Expansion and Contraction
These are all ways we have described the universal occurrence of going into the underworld and coming out new.
This is a natural part of the human experience and is medicine for our soul!
When we fight that call into the contraction, into the underworld well we sink. It’s like being pulled under the water and fighting for dear life. Your body gets stressed and you try and survive.
When we sink in we allow the shed to occur. We trust in the process knowing that this discomfort, the fear, the big emotions are all a part of the process. That there is so much wisdom on this journey and when we step into it willingly we give it space and allow the alchemy to take place.
When we tap into the wisdom of the contraction, we shed light on the darkness. We reclaim parts of us that were banned, shunned, boxed away, we release the shame and uncover hidden parts of us that can be invited back in to our wholeness.
There are natural phases of this shedding. Parts of the growth journey of our life. Points like puberty, pregnancy, peri menopause. There are also a lot of places in between that we are beckoned down.
In fact part of the menstruating women’s cycle is this monthly shed and rebirth.
So what helps you move into Shedding rather than Sinking?
Know your signs! Know the signs that you are going in and then following them (tendency to want to be alone, urge to numb, big feelings come up..deep and wide)
Don’t resist…what you resist persists and will eventually hit you over a head with a two by four. Go in. Go into that void. The darkness. The big emotions. They will not kill you…they will rebirth you and help you become stronger.
Know the deeper purpose. We are not just human beings controlling our lives. There is a deeper purpose, a deeper wisdom to our existence. It is our Soul Print. When we connect with our soul, with the voice and the wisdom that we have access to then the deeper meaning becomes clear. We are still humans…we do still feel all of it in our grounded human dense bodies it is both. We need to slow down and let what gets in the way be the way.
To hear more about knowing if you are sinking or shedding.
Rites of passage journeys and how to navigate the underworld listen to the podcast!
Head to to register for the 10 Day Soul Print Journey starting on 6/15