The spiritual journey of an entrepreneur goes through several phases.
This is where we need success to feel fulfilled.
We are compensating for programming and trauma fractures in our psyche and still asleep to the fact that we were conditioned to not be ourselves, and are unconsciously trying on different identities to be what will work for the world and keep us safe/approved of/provided for.
The material success out of this outsource stage is within the ‘fight’ nervous system response (do do do do do).
And, the relationship to our business is one of codependence. We unconsciously play the “martyr” role, abandoning ourselves in the hopes for the business to provide give a sense of inner security (material- financial safety/security, and social - enough and worthy)
A codependent relationship with our business NEVER lasts (and it shouldn’t).
Our nervous system has our back.
Most entrepreneurs don’t realise this in time, and the minute their business turns enough success or money, they go from “fight” nervous system setting (do do do do do) into ‘freeze’, motivation and manic-manifestation begins to lose steam, clients begin to dwindle, and eventually the whole thing fizzes out, until the next business idea emerges, and the cycle repeats.
Stuckness is not a mistake, as it often leads to looking for answers, first through self fixing and self resistance, then turning over every healing modality, and eventually walking through the eye of the needle, or rather, a few or those.
None of this is a mistake. This is all a good thing.
The stuck and frozen phase is where we have to face our biggest fears, often material and financial, and are forced into surrender and turning things over to God and walk out the whole codependent outsourcing consciousness, into sovereignty, trust, and inside-out business artistry.
This is where we begin to flip the worldly inversion and begin to realize, and OWN, the Self and hold simultaneously several truths:
#1. Noone is coming to save us.
#2. We are 100% responsible, for everything we have created.
That is good news. Clearing our karma (belief systems, trauma dramas, collective BS that we bought into, repressed emotions, and resentments) is then the path to creating a different inner and outer world, as well as the practice of allowing higher frequencies.
#3. We are not in control.
This is also good news. We do not see the Truth fully, and God knows our dreams and visions. Surrender all resulte and circumstances to God while being 100% resposible.
We are forced to cross the chasm on the other side,
From oursourcing to sovereignty, the base of being of service to God (Love).
When we let go of the business needing to do anything for us.
We are already whole and complete.
Then we create an art called business, out of sharing our joy and happiness with the world.
E:Merged course waitlist page is here. There’s no obligation to sign up if you are on the waitlist. Once it’s released, you will have a few days with discounted pricing before it’s announced to the public:
Free consultation for those interested in my offerings:
Discounted first session - your wholistic business blueprint: