In this episode, Anikó (Koko Vocals) and Steve (Soundfackery) speak with aerial acrobat, choreographer, director, dancer and all-round physical creative artist and teacher Bianca Sapetto, who is based in Los Angeles, California.
We discuss how important it is to approach creativity through play, a sense of journey and process – rather than goal-orientation - and a removal of the pressure of having a ‘correct answer’. She discusses her kinaesthetic approach to teaching this to artists and others in professional, creative, and even corporate to educational environments to remove hierarchies and produce bold and fearless self-expression. Artistic collaboration through ‘empathic co-creation’ is a lot of what she does.
Bianca’s own journey into exploring music through her body and through her singing voice – as well as in creating her one-of-a-kind Lunar Yoga classes - are also discussed. We look forward to having Bianca as a guest again to talk with us about motherhood in the arts – watch this space!
If you want to learn more about Bianca, find her details below, and check out her recommendations at bottom.
Instagram: @BiancaSapetto (Find out about her Lunar Yoga classes here!)
Anikó is on Twitter as @kokovocals, and on her website:
Steve is on Instagram and Twitter as @soundfackery, and on his website:
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Guest Artist Recommendations:
The Viewpoints Book – Anne Bogart and Tina Landau, based on Mary Overlie’s work in the 1970s (physical embodiment in theatre, performing arts, and more)
Marion Woodman’s work in embodiment – depth psychology
Daughter of Fortune by Isabel Allende for detailed emotional characterisation
Film noir jazz for a new collaborative work with Daniel Passer and Veronika Krausas
Björk’s Homogenic album (1997)