Synopsis: In season 2, Doug and Nick are engaging the Brethren in Christ core values. The Brethren in Christ (BIC) started as a small Anabaptist denomination in Pennsylvania almost 250 years ago, that has grown to become a global denomination across several continents and many countries. You can learn about them at Today they're looking at value #1 - "Experiencing God's Love & Grace." The guys are asking 5 questions of each core value and encourage you to follow along and determine if these could be your Core Values too. The 5 questions they're asking are:
1. What does this core value mean? (Define it)
2. What is your experience with it?
3. How does it impact your relationships?
4. Do you have any problems with it?
5. Why is this value important to our faith?
"Focusing Our Faith - Brethren in Christ Core Values" edited by Terry Brensinger
Sweet Memory by JayJen & Enine |
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