Roberta and is a qualified Nutritional Therapist and she’s been vegan for 22 years. At a very young age, she connected to animals and learnt that she didn’t need their flesh or secretions to live a healthy life and to thrive. With her background and training, she focused on how to be as healthy as possible through mainly a wholefood plant based diet. Her approach is all about finding balance, teaching people to make the right choices and to understand that with the right food, certain conditions such as Type II diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol can be avoided or reversed.
There’s probably never been a better time to be healthy and change lifestyle, with so many products and even entire restaurants, magazines and websites all catering to our needs these days. People are better informed and it’s a bit less likely you’ll get the blank look.
Roberta got a diploma in Diet Nutrition from I.T.E.C. of London. She posts daily on Weight Loss, Recipes, Fitness - Get motivated, a Facebook page which is followed by more than 11K, in which she promotes plant based diet through cool, fun and tasty recipes while keeping things simple, straight forward and accessible.
Join on on today’s podcast as we get to know Roberta more…