Leeds buzz band Vitamin let slip an exclusive about their album. (Sort of...)
Listen back to the show in full, with Annie Mac and OhBoy: https://audioboom.com/boos/4126966-ohboy-annie-mac-and-vitamin-the-sra-selector-on-smoke-radio
Listen live, Thursdays 6pm-7pm on Smoke Radio: http://smokeradio.co.uk/listen/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/andybackhouseofficial
AudioBoom: https://audioboom.com/AndyBackhouseDJ
Twitter: @smoke_radio @andybackhouse
This show was produced by Andy Backhouse and Folded Wing, in association with the British Council and the Student Radio Association.
This radio show is an SRA-affiliated version of The Selector and NOT the official Selector for The British Council show. To listen to The Selector for The British Council, presented by Goldierocks, please go to http://selector-radio.com