Local NWA Influencers, Jasmine Hudson and Jae Merchant, joined Stan on this week’s podcast to talk about what they’re bringing to this big party we call life.
For their followers on Instagram and Facebook, JazzyJaeNWA provides the latest on events, art, food and fun in the local area. They also manage the Black Owned Business Directory (Facebook) and BlackOwnedNWA (Instagram) to highlight, elevate and amplify local black-owned businesses, and connect new arrivals to the area with churches, doctors, barbers/hair salons and more. Most recently, Jasmine and Jae joined forces with their friend, Madia Willis, to launch their own business, BlackPaperParty.com, featuring paper goods, ornaments, and more.
Whether they are exploring events to share their experiences with the rest of us, taking part in Market Days downtown or volunteering at non-profits, like Havenwood (iamhavenwood.org), they are bringing joy, celebration and light to everything they do. Don’t miss this episode of The Stanish Inquisition to learn more about what’s in store for Jasmine and Jae as we head into 2021.