Do you even know how easy your mind operates when it has a strong reference to work based on, such as having a purpose? Having a purpose and not having is like day and night. Therefore, our results reflect that light or that darkness. Purpose is like having the exact recipe in your kitchen, rather than wondering in your fridge every 10 minutes... Wondering too much makes the mind function with uncertainty, and when uncertainty gets stuck within, it derives in multiple sorts of negative results, including illness and depresion. Get active! Sit down and think! Thats why you carry a mind! People often tell me: "of course Emilio, I know that." But the average person thinks about 3 times a year on average. The rest is pure programs, paradigms, intelligence and habit. But thinking is very rare. Listen to this life changing episode and THINK IT THROUGH. I'd love to know your feedback and how can you use it.