Becki Saltzman, Chief Curiosity Seeker and founder of Applied Curiosity Lab, is on a quest to create as many good thinkers as possible. She is an expert at helping leaders tap into the art and science of curiosity and critical thinking – to capture hidden insights, spot decision traps, and avoid being blindsided by cognitive biases & unexamined assumptions.
If you’re curious about how to make wiser decisions in business and life, then this episode will have you leaning in and taking lots of notes. Becky brings her witty and no-nonsense approach to the show and demonstrates how critical thinking can make better decision-makers of us all.
How to use critical thinking to bust assumptions and make wiser decisions. (4:47)How this one little-known technique (asking for disconfirming evidence) can save you from making a dangerous decision. (10:50)Why it’s important to know the downside of what you’re selling. (13:18)Learn how to capture insights that most will miss. (18:10)Why measuring outcomes is NOT the best way to evaluate success. (20:30)Why you don’t have to become a specialist to be a good thinker. (24:07)How good coaching can help you interrogate your ideas and make them even better. (28:51)How disconfirming evidence can play an important role in coaching. (35:24)“ONCE YOU KNOW HOW TO THINK, WHAT TO THINK BECOMES AGNOSTIC.”
FREE High Stakes Decision Making Readiness AssessmentPreview Becki’s courses on the LinkedIn Learning PlatformCheck out Becki’s weekly show: Good Thinking LIVEApplied Curiosity LabConnect with Becki on LinkedInABOUT BECKI SALTZMAN:
As Chief Curiosity Seeker and founder of Applied Curiosity Lab, Becki Saltzman conducts engaging online and in-person training workshops to help leaders and their teams cultivate a culture of curiosity, inspire ideation, tackle cognitive biases, and upgrade critical thinking for improved judgment and decision-making.
Becki holds a master’s degree in applied behavioral science and has spent the last two decades studying the science and art of Applied Curiosity and critical thinking. She is an international best selling course creator on the LinkedIn Learning platform as well as the author of Living Curiously: How to Use Curiosity to Be Remarkable and Do Good Stuff, and Arousing the Buy Curious: Real Estate Pillow Talk for Patrons and Professionals.
When she’s not traveling to conduct training and workshops, Becki lives in Portland, Oregon with her husband. Becki loves her two glorious sons, exciting travel adventures, speaking to inspired audiences, dancing on crowded dance floors, and sipping brown drinks.
“It is very easy to use the outcome as the single measure of the efficacy of your decision process, but between every decision and outcome is a huge amount of luck.”
– BECKI SALTZMANThe post Episode 198: Will Critical Thinking Make You A Better Entrepreneur? first appeared on Michael Knouse.