After quite a hiatus, Joe is back with a lot of info about Steelhead and their amazing lifecycle. Also, due to his diligence, he hooks and lands a nice fish on camera for you.
See how STEM is integral to one of America's great outdoor pastimes.
The video version of this episode, which includes a LOT of visual information, is available HERE.
Links to explore:
Columbia River Information
U.S Fish and Wildlife Service - Steelhead Trout page
List of dams in the Columbia River watershed
Swimming Upstream: Computational Hydrodynamics of Trout Locomotion
Further reading:
Federal decision to keep Snake River dams in place is now official; dam debate is far from over
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Music composed and performed by:
Kit Garoutte
Coddiwomple Creative- A coddiwomple is a purposeful journey towards a vague destination. Coddiwomple Creative makes art and just about anything they're inspired to create from a place of joy. Check out their newest items at:
Thank you to all of our Patreon STEMPunX. We are so grateful for you all. Please share this podcast to help us continue our goal of bringing STEM education to everyone.
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The STEMPunX Podcast is hosted and produced by Joe Garoutte.
CoProducers: E. Michael Friend and John Hardham
Editing: Joe Garoutte
Videography & audio recording: Joe Garoutte
See all the STEMPunX fun at