Join Matthew McGregor and Gabi Guglielmetti from and learn How To Start A Successful Brand When So Much Is Weighing You Down!
Gabrielle Guglielmetti created the brand Living Yellow to inspire positivity, kindness, and happiness through words and art. She's had her fair share of struggles throughout my life, most of them being internal struggles. She suffered from severe social anxiety throughout high school and always put immense pressure on myself to be the best in every aspect of my life.
After high school, Gabi moved away for college and pushed herself out of her shell. She says: "I still would get anxious in big crowds, but I was finally able to open up and develop strong relationships with people. I had low stress compared to high school and a thriving social life. My life was great!"
After graduating from college, Gabi discovered she was nowhere that I wanted to be in life.
"I was in a dead-end relationship, a dead-end job, and was living back home with my parents which made me feel like a complete and utter failure. I got into a negative headspace again and everything felt dark. For months I felt hopeless and nothing I did helped."
One day, she stumbled upon a video about the Law of Attraction. This day completely changed Gabi's life. She expresses: "I learned about positive and negative energy, vibrations, and manifestation. I read and watched everything I could about this concept and watched as my life began to move from dark to light. After learning about the Law of Attraction and seeing how it changed my life, I wanted to use my story and new knowledge to help and inspire others."
A huge part of the Law of Attraction is about surrounding yourself with positive words, thinking happy thoughts and creating happy emotions. That’s how Gabi came up with the concept of Living Yellow; she combined her love for art and creativity with positive and happy words to create fun and colorful products!
I hope Living Yellow has a positive impact on you, even if it just puts a tiny smile on your face :)
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