We talk with Brian Feroldi (Motley Fool) to understand how he goes about investing in high quality, high growth companies. We walk through the following topics:
- How to think of valuations for high growth companies?
- How to think of P/E and P/S multiples?
- What would higher interest rates do to high flying tech stocks?
- Is there a price where a stock becomes a hold vs a buy?
- How to evaluate companies you may not be a consumer of?
- How much does Brian cap his invested capital/stock and how he lets winners run
- How does an all-FANG portfolio compare to one comprising of mid-cap growth
- Much more
- Fire Round: we find out -
1) Brian's top picks for 2021, 2) Brian's favorite SPAC, 3) Books every investor should read
Links, Brian Feroldi:
1) Twitter: @brianferoldi
2) Link to Brian's Checklist: https://boards.fool.com/brian39s-quality-checklist-version-20-32973109.aspx
3) His articles: https://www.fool.com/author/14471/
4) Substack: brianferoldi.substack.com
Links, Sunny Goklani:
I reply to ALL DMs on my Instagram and to present a investment best practice every Tuesday. Reach out with questions/comments/suggestions -
1) Instagram: @thesunnypoint
2) Twitter: @ABraveBull
- Board Game Link: http://www.sunnygoklani.com/boardgame.html
- Youtube Link: http://bit.ly/sunnypoinyinvestingyoutube