We couldn't believe how well Episode 1 was received and the feedback was simply amazing. Continuing in Episode 2 we hear from some of the fantastic acts that we have had the opportunity to work with before including:
The Viewers (http://www.theviewersband.com/)
The Last Afternoons (https://www.facebook.com/theLastAfternoons/)
Primes (https://www.primesband.co.uk)
Seven & Counting (https://www.facebook.com/sevenandcounting/)
Oli Barton & The Movement (https://www.facebook.com/OliBartonMusic/)
The Phosphenes (http://www.phosphenes.com.au/)
The Underground Vault (https://www.facebook.com/theundergroundvaultband/)
The Counteracts (https://soundcloud.com/the-counteracts/)