Have you ever felt like you couldn't do something or it was just to hard to bare? In this episode Tiuna (Tye) teaches us that we can do impossible things. Teenage mother, kicked out church, briefly lost the respect of her family, told by one of her teacher that she was going to fail at life, but none of that stopped her and today she's a successful Business Consultant, Author, Podcaster, Woman of God, Mom, Wife and so much more.
You can find her book Faith Is The Formula https://www.amazon.com/Faith-Formula-Unlocking-Power-Entreprenuership-ebook/dp/B0CMP1KF9H/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1A9OUG9NLBYJB&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.gcXzae70qAtkJ8B2UX6M2JW7QBxB2ZCUpkSNpVeASi5zTuF9lCxk5euBI83URzoCkD7dyh8vhBsx0a59NEM_XTUpx0WLHTqCoIDvD3N3j0hNLhT2NnWO35J81_PI1wvHZ3jO8GF6YvGTRIxvmAptHMcUZg8kXi4jRuyVzS6b8-X47momuU963J67eybR3q5DiH27_hlG_WhrC6uoQ91MuW9NgkAmmyH2jOtSuPDComU.6GfDXSJvYkjpo2iX-aNhfpx8yK-juJsSNfZi09DiYRk&dib_tag=se&keywords=faith+is+the+formula&qid=1715534153&sprefix=Faith+is+the+form%2Caps%2C130&sr=8-1
If you which to connect with Tiuna, you can connect with her at www.wtvconsulting.com
or, email her at [email protected]
Thank you for listening and watching!
Thanks to Jave Coffee Lounge in Arlington TX for allowing us to record at your beautiful place.