In this podcast: how you can stop letting social media use you, but instead, create fixed rules and routines around it. Attention must always be directed and budgeted. Rules and timing things matters. Do not rely on your biology—it cannot be relied on. Discoveries in neuroscience have shown that you get pleasure from potentiality and not actuality. Social media companies know this, and they construct their platforms in a way that encourages compulsive behavior. Potentiality in social media show up as likes, comments, notifications, live streams, etc. Make sure you have rules around when and how long you use it. Extend that practice to any and all areas of your life that are susceptible to abuse.
How Setting Parameters Will Reduce Your Stress | Podcast #221
“Resisting temptation and instilling self-control are general human goals, and repeatedly failing to achieve them is a source of much of our misery.”
― Dan Ariely