James Dearsley of TLA PropTech & The Digital Marketing Bureau is joined by Jon Scott of TLC
This is the last TechTalk podcast that you’ll get to enjoy while you’re deleting all of those horrible spammy emails (hopefully)… with the GDPR deadline set for tomorrow, it will be interesting to see how our inboxes start looking.
To be fair, the inboxes of both Paul and Sue are usually a little bit colourful after recording these shows, but they promised to be on their best behaviour for this one.
Our first guests introduced us to a new term, but one that will no doubt become a household name (literally) within the next couple of years.
PropTech… not proper technology, not technology for props but property technology. James Dearsley heads the PropTech working group for the Tech London Advocates and talks us through how it’s likely to influence the landscape of buying and selling your home in the future.
Our next guest is using the technology industry as a motor for positive change, particularly when it comes to charity. Jon Scott founded TLC (Thinking Loud & Clear), the creative industry that is pouring its profits back into charitable causes.