Each installment begins with a brief recap of a major point from the initial space, describes a gesture that will help you to recall that space in an embodied, fully present sense, and concludes with a suggestion for considering during the ten minutes of music, composed specifically for MSY by John Rapson. that follow.
The installments move you through the space in an arc intended to help you embody its particular virtue. Each set of installments emphasizes one point along the path toward embodiment:
.1: Attention—focuses on your conscious mind
.2: Awareness—emphasizes what your body feels
.3: Attunement—invites you to internalize to your true self
.4: Appropriation—moves from your true self to your body
.5: Actualization—allows you to manifest this space in the everyday world
For more information about The Thoughtful Life, the organization behind the Making Space for Yourself project, visit danielboscaljon.com, @TheThoughtfulLife42 on Facebook, or TheThoughtfulLife42 on Instagram.