Caleb Janssens is a passionate Youtuber, Photographer, Videographer and Web Developer! He has managed to successfully generate a passive stream of income from his content online and is kind enough to share some incredible insights.
He talks about the importance of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), so get ready to take some notes.
Caleb believes that in order to make great content, we need to understand our WHY?
WHY are you on this platform creating this type of content? (let us know in apple reviews if you are a content creator).
He says that it is important to provide value and comfort to your audience and to always stay grounded when people are against you.
An important aspect of success for Caleb is the meaningful relationships with his Fiancé and Friends, as well as his connection to God and fulfilling his life with what he believes is his purpose on Earth.
Stay inspired and Keep Thriving.