Jeanine Elsholz is a woman of faith in Christ. Her gospel centered life is one that allows her to drink deeply from living waters! She is actively sharing her faith on Facebook & Instagram @jeanineelsholz & is making this world a more wonderful place to reside!
SISTER WENDY WATSON NELSON: (Her talk starts at 15:30)
ELDER LAWRENCE E. CORBRIDGE: BYU Devotional, January 2019, Stand Forever
ELDER D. TODD CHRISTOFFERSON: BYU Devotional, First Commandment First, March 22, 2022
Elder Russell M. Nelson Challenge in 2017:
Isaiah 55:8-9
EZRA TAFT BENSON: First President Message, December 1988
2 Nephi 4:16-21
ELDER RICHARD G. SCOTT: October 2013, Personal Strength through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
ELDER RUSSELL M. NELSON: November 2015, A Plea to My Sisters quoting Boyd K. Packer
PRESIDENT RUSSELL M. NELSON: May 2018, Revelation for the Church, Revelation for our Lives.
ROBERT L. BACKMAN, Ensign Magazine, January 1997, Faith in Every Footstep
ELDER NEAL A. MAXWELL: November 1996, According to the Desires of Our Heart
ELDER D. TODD CHRISTOFFERSON: Now is the Time to Defend Truth, Devotional held in the Salt Lake Tabernacle, January 26, 2018
ELDER GARY E. STEVENSON: April 2022, Love, Share, Invite
EZRA TAFT BENSON: Teaching of the Presidents of the Church, Chapter 22.
ELDER JEFFREY R. HOLLAND: May 2012, Laborers In the Vineyard
ELDER JEFFREY R. HOLLAND: (Ensign, December 2018)
"What a thrilling time it is to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints! When I think about recent developments in the Lord's kingdom, it seems obvious that God is taking us on a soul-stirring journey with hills and vales and vistas so stunning we can scarcely imagine them until we climb a little higher and there they are before us."
ELDER MARION G. ROMNEY: General Conference, October 1941, Conference Report, pg 89
"The experience of each individual who is really born again is similar to this experience of Alma and the sons of Mosiah, although it may not be so dramatic. The effect upon each person's life is likewise similar. No person whose soul is illuminated by the burning Spirit of God can in this world of sin and dense darkness remain passive. He is driven by an irresistible urge to fit himself to be an active agent of God in furthering righteousness and in freeing the lives and minds of men from the bondage of sin. God help all honest men to be born again and come to be of sound understanding and to know the word of God and maintain the spirit thereof by study, fasting, prayer, and work, that we may be blessed with His power and authority."
SPENCER W. KIMBALL: Faith Precedes the Miracle, pg. 98
“Being human, we would expel from our lives physical pain and mental anguish and assure ourselves of continual ease and comfort, but if we were to close the doors upon sorrow and distress, we might be excluding our greatest friends and benefactors. Suffering can make saints of people as they learn patience, long-suffering, and self-mastery” [Faith Precedes the Miracle (1972), 98].