Grace Young and Serena Mendizábal are incredible activists passionate about climate change, energy transition, sustainability, racial and gender equality, and indigenous rights. Together they founded the Student Energy chapter at Western University and I connected with them through the Climate Crisis Coalition UWO. Grace is currently beginning her masters in Feminist Research with a focus on Canadian women in the energy sector and Serena is beginning her masters in Geography and Environment with a focus on Indigenous Health. Both women continue to be powerful advocates for the injustices faced by both the people and the planet.
In this episode, Grace and Serena give insight into their activism and journey and the barriers they have faced. We also unpack many topics including imposter syndrome, environmental and systemic racism, current indigenous issues, dismantling capitalism, and how to get out of the lonely and isolating silos society puts us in. Please take a listen and leave a comment or review!
To connect with Grace and Serena
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