Hello Everybody and welcome to The Together Podcast, I’m your host Damon Alan. The Unifying, Friendly, Off-Worlders are Baaaaack, in a wild new video just released (and given the stamp of authenticity by THE PENTAGON). This time, we witness a stunning historical event take place when at least fourteen UFO’s swarm a military vessel...then disappear! Which affirms my readings that these are High Vibration, friends of humanity, not the demons our christian family wants us to fear they are.
What’s going on with this HUGE surge in UFO sightings and videos anyway? If I was a betting’ man, I’d say the time draws near for that ET FULL Disclosure that millions of people claim they are finally ready for.
Why is focusing our energies on high vibration so important to those who seek a better world in which to live? For many, it seems to come down to this: living on the Higher Vibration Timeline attracts opportunity for unity. And UNITY brings greater clarity and Collective power for real, lasting positive change.
Isn’t that why we join an ORGANIZED RELIGION...to CHANGE THINGS? To be a part of something bigger than ourselves? To feel we are making a difference? Of course we’re TAUGHT in these religions that everyone who doesn’t FOLLOW its doctrine is EVIL, under the influence of nefarious forces and in fact; duped by the Devil! Uh, citation needed.
There’s so much division in The Church as it is. If THE CHURCH can’t bring humans together, who...or what can?
It’s confusing to christians then when they’re expected to digest troublesome scriptures in the bible that paints Jesus (in his own words), as a force of division, NOT unity as seen in this passage: "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.” Matthew 10:34
There’s more people walking away from churches today than ever, and it’s quotes form the son of god himself that don’t help the cause of Christianity much. Reading exit interviews of pastors and members are revealing and convey a high vibration at work in their consciousness. Many state: “We could no longer gaslight ourselves to stay in religion”. They still love Jesus, but it’s that crazy, violent bible stuff that’s driving ‘em nuts...and away from the church altogether.
There’s a better way guys. And I dare say that because we humans as a collective, have not been able to get together on this and find a way to get along after all these eons, it took some Higher Ups expressing concern for us and attempting to make contact in as safe a way as possible. They appear in our skies again and again...each time, not a shingle shot is fired, and all remains peaceful in these encounters.
You’d think they were trying to tell us something.
Listen to the podcast to find out what’s next in our relationship with the Off-Worlders and discover how we are one step closer to the most important event in modern times. Thanks for listening and please share on your networks.