One week in (as of tomorrow). So how did 2025 start out for you?
Has one week in been healthy?
I hope so. Because you need your health. It’s not just something that’s nice to have around. It’s the core essential to anything you do. But, as I’ve said for decades, your health is best served by YOU.
So, put down that diet cola (super awful for you) and repeat after me. I want to be healthy. ( I want to be healthy). I need to be healthy (are you repeating after me?). If I’m not healthy, I’m no good to anyone (say it…it’s true). And when I’m healthy, I can overcome blocks in my mind, body, and work.
OK. Do you believe it? Great. Because that’s where REAL healthcare starts.
That stuff trying to pass itself off as healthcare ain’t gonna cut it. And I’m talkin’ about the lunacy found in 99% of doctor’s offices, clinics, hospitals, and pharmacies. Those places have a vested interest in (meaning it serves their pocketbooks) “maintaining your health.” Which is just a code phrase to cover their methods of medicating your symptoms.
Yeah, they’ll give you stuff to make you FEEL better. But nothing to make you actually better.
So, believe and chew on this. You eat fast food everyday. You don’t exercise. And you definitely don’t drink enough water. Or even when you’re drinking it, it’s mixed with tea or coffee. And you think you can take your little one-a-day so-called “vitamins” and keep the bad times away.
Nope, that’s gonna keep you firmly entrenched in the status quo.
You gotta work hard to stay well. People depend on you to be and do your best. And when you constantly struggle with your health, it’s stressful on you AND them.
Did you ever see that commercial where a guy didn’t know how to get dressed or make breakfast or even get in his car? And it urned out that he gave up smoking. So, he had to re-learn how to do everything without a cigarette in his hand.
Don’t be like that guy. Live well. Be well. Stay well. Start now. Be happy. Grin. It’s good for you. And you’ll keep your mind free to think up and do great things for you AND your loved ones.
We’re still only one week in to 2025.
So, this is still the easiest time to track your progress and make your moves. My hope for you (and me) is that persistence plays a bigger role. And better self care choices produce better results.
I wrote this for kids. But it applies to all us so-called “grownups.”
Healthy Habits Are For Kids
Little things you do each day
Help to keep the blues away.
Jumping when you get a chance…
Doing a delightful dance…
Picking toys up off the floor
Before you head out your front door…
Drinking smoothies colored green
Not those colas with caffeine…
Smiling when you’d rather frown…
Walking like a ten foot clown…
Splashing puddles in the rain…
Whistling like an old steam train…
I could just go on and on,
But I’d surely make you yawn.
So, I guess that’s all today.
Now, go chase those blues away.
Once you see the benefit, join the growing body of believers who’ve already signed up for the FunderFlash Journal. And I’ll send you daily flashes of light so we can stay focused on faith, hope, and love.
The post One week in is a good time to begin appeared first on Tony Funderburk.