Genetics, DNA and the human experience are all under attack. Nothing of value comes thru corporate media outlets. When Congress is just as depraved, why worry about Hunter? It was years ago when Trump started making cabinet picks. You shouldn't be concerned about them. He's got a purpose for each. Light is always the best disinfectant. The 5G network that makes the new Silk Road. Cyrus Parsa sees the future of AI. Humanity's mind is being raped ever day. The Creator has a great plan, and He is the true vision for the future. There are higher powers that constantly manipulate our domain. We must truly decide what is good and evil. Only then will we have a glorious future. Signal jammers and L-Rad systems. Because we have so many choices, things get complicated fast. Drones and China will be in the news soon. Some AI perspective on how we see the world. It's a big reach and the audience, but subscriptions are not allowed. Technology is awesome, but we must always be in charge. Welcome to the human condition. We must find empathy and compassion for everyone. The goal is to try and be better.