Enjoy this Tradiematepro Live webinar, recorded live on March 20, 2020.
In response to the changing landscape in business right now, Tradiematepro are opening our doors to all.
With any challenge comes opportunity for those who see it. With a focus on enhancing this change as a golden opportunity to grow, we are dedicating our resources to:
- Helping you see this through safely.
- Being one of the few who actually strengthen your position.
- Being ready to pounce when it's 'go time' again.
The full resources of Tradiematepro, our experts team, our supplier partners and our entire community invite you to join us weekly at 3:00 pm Friday AEST for an 'all in' Q & A session.
Register for the next one by clicking here.
Resources mentioned in the episode
- Australian Taxation Office (ATO) Support
- Coronavirus Small Business Stimulus Package Overview
- Work Remotely Business Tools from Matt Jones
- Business Flyer from Natalie Waghorn
- A good example of remote quoting - Thank you Michele Grisdale