💡 This week on #TheTransformYourConfidenceShow, we are joined by the founder of Mindful Healing Heart, Winnie Wang, who deep dives the use of acupuncture & shadow work in order for us to heal👇🏽
✅ How truly knowing, loving, and accepting who we are can help us become the most confident
✅ Why we shouldn’t easily point fingers at others but rather looking at and fixing the deepest darkest parts of ourselves
✅ How to release trauma from our body to get help reduce fatigue, pain, anxiety, fear, and worry
+ so MUCH more!
Here’s a bit more about Winnie:
➡ Her mission in life is to deliver LOVE AS MEDICINE - to help everyone discover their original wholeness
➡ She is a mindfulness and traditional medicine expert, international speaker, bestselling author, and a professor in acupuncture at the Alhambra Medical University
➡ Before starting her traditional medicine business, Winnie earned dual bachelor of science degrees in Computer Science and Finance from MIT, a master of science degree in Integrated Marketing from NYU, and has worked on Wall Street. She is a doctoral candidate in Integrative Medicine and is currently based in Los Angeles, California.
(Source: mindfulhealingheart.com)
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