If you want to learn more about the thinking process you should listen to this podcast. Rick Randall interviews Nancy Kline, who is an author, teacher, coach, and trainer. She is President of Time To Think and today she gives us some tips to understand the thinking process and the client-advisor relationship.
Links and Resources from this Episode
- https://www.timetothink.com/meet-us/nancy-kline/
- https://www.timetothink.com/
- https://www.amazon.com/Time-Think-Listening-Ignite-Human/dp/0706377451
- https://www.amazon.com/More-Time-Think-Being-World/dp/1906377103
Show Notes
- About Nancy's books - 1:18
- The thinking environment and the components - 1:41
- The quality of thinking - 2:32
- The thinking components - 4:30
- Interrupting thinking - 5:49
- The quality of turn - 7:30
- The rush culture - 9:00
- The appreciation component - 10:13
- How the client becomes the thinker - 15:11
- The attention of the expert - 17:28
- Why we are not raised to value our thinking - 18:30
- Rick's definition of estate planning - 20:20
- Nancy tells us how to listen and remember better - 24:40
- Taking notes while listening - 28:25
- The human mind works better in the presence of appreciation - 29:15
- How the advisor can offer recognition to the client - 30:42
- What is real and true for the client - 33:03
- The right of not being interrupted - 34:01
- Issues that stop people from planning - 35:05
- The more you think, the more you generate - 42:09
- Get in touch with Nancy - 44:00
- Some of Nancy's books - 44:40
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