What do you get when you bring biologists, artists, philosophers and filmmakers out into the Canadian Rocky Mountains on a 2 week research-creation summit? Why, Bioartcamp of course! Created by Dr. Jennifer Willet, the accomplished bioartist and director of Incubator Hybrid Laboratory, working at the intersection of art, science, and ecology, Bioartcamp was an adventurous expedition in art making and social research that took place at the Banff Centre in Alberta, as well as in tents, made for bioart, out in the mountain range at Castle Mountain hostel.
But first, I realize, you might not know what bioart is. In this episode you’ll start to uncover this discipline, hear from many of the people who attended Bioartcamp, as well as learn about some of the sticky situations within the field regarding its definition, practice, and motives.
More on Bioartcamp can be found in this description from its website:
“BioARTCAMP is a two-week residency program at The Banff Centre directed by Dr. Jennifer Willet from The University of Windsor, Canada. BioARTCAMP is a hybrid workshop / conference / performance event where 20 national and international artists, scientists, filmmakers, and university students will work for two weeks to build a portable biology laboratory in Banff National Park. BioARTCAMP will serve as a “field research station” housing a functional biological sciences lab and a variety of art/science projects. BioARTCAMP will open its doors to the general public for a one day “art/science fair” with food, music, and activities for all ages. BioARTCAMP will conclude at The Banff Centre with a two-day conference.
BioARTCAMP is designed to emphasize ecological metaphors for describing biotechnology in public discourse, and to complicate the ‘Great Divide’ between lab and field based research methodologies in the hard sciences. BioARTCAMP will deploy humour and DIY techniques for reimagining biotechnology against the backdrop of the Canadian Rocky Mountains and motifs of back country exploration, mountain ecologies, and the wild west. BioARTCAMP serves the demystification and democratization of biotechnology – within the context of larger ecological considerations with full attention to health and Safety considerations and respect for the delicate ecology of Banff National Park.”