I've decided that after this two-part interview, I'm going to hold fire. A couple of reasons, firstly, the objective was to do face to face interviews, but of course, due to the current situation, I have decided to hold tight; this is just purely down to personal preference and what feels right for this particular show.
Still, on a positive note, I've promised myself and to you the regular listeners that when the show comes back, it really will be more than it has ever been, I'm going to invest some quality time in the background to think about the next step up for it.
Once the time is right, you will see and hear from me again. It also allows me to continually focus more on my Music Productions and Psychology degree, which at this moment in time is creating a lot more momentum.
On another note, let me introduce you to my final guest Niaby Codd for this series (short and sweet series). A lot to take from this, a different spin entirely, even though it's not to do with just Music, there is still so much relevance around that subject, and certainly something for everyone. Based in Ibiza, you will get some insights and another side to the island, and overall, I found it fascinating.
Niaby is an ex stockbroker who saw the light in the darkest hour of poor health and recognised her soul's call to walk a different path.
That path has led her to be of service to spirit as she gently brings through words of wisdom from a higher source. Niaby is a healer, a spiritual medium and an inspirational speaker. She hopes to inspire people to find the power to heal themselves, so in turn, they too can inspire others to do the same.
Niaby is the author of the channelled book 'The spirit of Life' and is also the host of 'The Spirit of Life in Ibiza' podcast.
Niaby hopes to gently inspire consciousness in others, not by telling them how to think but rather by provoking thoughts in people that may not have previously provoked then allowing the seed of consciousness to grow.
See you for Part 2 tomorrow!
P.S – All socials + Niaby's website and book links below.
Website - https://thespiritoflifeinibiza.com/
FB - https://www.facebook.com/thespiritoflifethroughconsciousness
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/thespiritoflifebook/
Twitter – https://twitter.com/TheSpiritofLif3
Wondering Soul Blog – https://wonderingsoul25.wordpress.com/
Buy The Book via Amazon - https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07V5R5BVF/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_Ed.7EbS8EG23M&linkCode=sl1&tag=daddgets-21&linkId=924273b8904385096767202aef463cc1&language=en_GB