Type 1s - They already carry the core FEAR of Being wrong, bad, inappropriate or Immoral
They ARMOR UP by thinking….It’s not okay to make mistakes therefore.....I must strive to follow the rules, be responsible and catch my mistakes before others do. It’s the only way I’ll be safe and loved.
Type 2s They already carry the core FEAR of Being unloved, unwanted, needy
They ARMOR UP by thinking- People depend on me for help. I will earn the love and appreciation of others through acts of selflessness. I am only worthwhile if I am liked and needed therefore I will be loved if I am loving. It’s the only way I will be safe and loved.
Type 3s They already carry the core FEAR of Failing to appear successful, being exposed as incompetent
They ARMOR UP by thinking - The world values winners. I must succeed at all costs. I must avoid failure. I am what I do – to earn my place, I must be the best at what I do. This is how I feel safe and loved.
Type 4s They already carry the core FEAR of Being without identity, misunderstood, flawed
They ARMOR UP by thinking - Something is missing – I must find what is missing in my life. I must be true to my purpose and express my authentic self. I must create beauty and meaning for myself and for the world.This is how I feel safe and loved.
Type 5s They already carry the core FEAR of Being helpless, incompetent, without resources
They ARMOR UP by thinking -The world is intrusive; I must protect my resources and energy so that I can think. I must be self-sufficient and not depend on others too much. I must understand and make sense of my world. I don’t need much but I need my space. This is how I feel safe and loved.
Type 6s They already carry the core FEAR of Being unprepared, afraid, being blamed, without support
They ARMOR UP by thinking - The world is a threatening and unsafe place. Be prepared. Be loyal. People can count on me. Be careful who you trust. I must not be afraid, but I must not let my guard down. I must protect myself, but I must be loyal. This is how I feel safe and loved.
Type 7s They already carry the core FEAR of Missing out, being deprived, trapped in emotional pain and being bored
They ARMOR UP by thinking - The future is full of exciting possibilities and I must experience it all! If I prioritize planning for future activities I can escape confronting present, painful circumstances.This is how I feel safe and loved.
Type 8s They already carry the core FEAR of Weakness, vulnerability, being controlled
They ARMOR UP by thinking - The world is a tough and unjust place – only the strong survive. I am a rock; I must not be weak. I must be in control. I’ll do it my way! This is how I feel safe and loved.
Type 9s They already carry the core FEAR of Conflict, feeling shut out, losing connection
They ARMOR UP by thinking - I am okay as long as the people around me are okay too. The world would be a better place if people could treat each other with respect. I must be tolerant and accepting. I must keep the peace. This is how I feel safe and loved.
Poem by Billy Chapata Instagram https://www.instagram.com/iambrillyant/
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