In this week’s episode we are discussing race and diversity within the discipline of Classics, Ancient History, Archaeology and Egyptology, the challenges people of colour face within this discipline and ways we as a department can overcome these obstacles. In the episode we are joined by CAHAE Society members Dan and Tahira, fellow UoM lecturers Dr Hannah Cobb & Dr Roberta Mazza and Tanya from Teach Black Studies UoM. Here the CAHAE society we feel very passionately about making our discipline as inclusive and diverse as possible, we hope in the future we can continue to make progress and change in the wider discipline as a whole.
Here are some really important links related to the content in today’s episode:
Follow @nevertaughtinschool for Afro-Caribbean history & culture. To help @teachblackstudiesuom campaign, make sure to:
1. Follow, like & share their socials
2. Sign their petition
3. Email @officialuom senior leadership
4. Donate to their campaign if you can
Society of Black Archaeologists (including the “Archaeology in the time of BLM” talk I mention)
Society of Black Archaeologists resource list
Intersectional GLAM privilege quiz
CIfA 10 steps to diversify your workplace
A handy bibliography of readings on archaeology and race can be found here
For a summary of all the statistics on the lack of diversity in archaeology see Chapter 6 in Cobb, H., and Croucher, K. 2020. Assembling Archaeology: Teaching, Practice and Research. Oxford: Oxford University
Franklin, M. (2001). A Black feminist-inspired archaeology? Journal of Social Archaeology, 1(1), 108–125.
Maria Franklin & Nedra Lee (2020) African American descendants, community outreach, and the Ransom and Sarah Williams Farmstead Project, Journal of Community Archaeology & Heritage, 7:2, 135-148, DOI: 10.1080/20518196.2020.1718408
Jones, S. 1997. The Archaeology of Ethnicity : Constructing Identities in the Past and Present . London; Routledge.
A google doc full of anti-racism resources (not archaeology or heritage specific, but useful none the less)
Twitter & Instagram: @uomcahaesociety
Contact Email: [email protected]