If you have ever felt disappointed, disheartened or frustrated that you can’t seem to manifest what you want, even though you are told by manifesting teachers or if you have listened to Abraham hicks and the like, that it’s as easy as ask, believe receive then you need to listen to this episode as we will put into context the ease of manifesting based on the cards you were dealt in this life.
The being said I truly believe you and everyone has the power and ability to create anything you BUT it will be harder, longer, different for some people over others.
You are not broken, you do not need fixing, you do have the power to create what you want and if you are listening to this podcast then you definitely have everything you need to learn how to manifest your desires because knowledge is power (only if you implement) and most people are so lucky to have a wealth of abundance of knowledge at the tips of our fingers, there are some people that also do not have access to the internet, to books to knowledge so if you have access to these things you are privileged.
Free manifesting meditations >> https://www.emilyjanehill.com/freemeditationbundle
Next level You – 4 week 121 intensive to upgrade your identity so you can receive more, hold more and create your next level reality. >> https://www.emilyjanehill.com/next-level-you