“The man who loves walking will go further than the man who loves the destination!”
Today's guest of honor is Kerri Walsh Jennings. Most of us know her as a 5-time Olympian who has won 3 golds and 1 bronze, a 3-time World Championships Gold Medalist, countless world tours and AVP events winner, and is considered to be one of the greatest of all times in beach volleyball. We usually only hear the successful and happy parts of her journey to the top, but many of us don’t know what it took for her to get there- the discipline, hard work, losses, self-doubt, and heartbreaks that she has had to experience to go down in history as a legend. In this episode, Kerri talks about:-
- How she never had the courage or humility to try beach volleyball in her young adult life!
- How she feels she’s in an “in-between” stage of her life right now
- Why her toughest challenge is overcoming her own self-doubt, and how she has learned to turn that into her superpower
- How she feels that beach volleyball athletes need to stand for themselves more and stop settling for less (very interesting insights!)
- How she trains during different seasons and the various training method she uses to get in shape
- Why she focuses her nutrition plan around protein and hydration
- The story behind her organization p1440, and tips for people who want to build a successful organization
- The difference between being great vs. good
And as usual, much much more!
This episode with Kerri is definitely one that I have to come back and listen to again and again and I’m sure every time I will still learn something new. I really hope that you enjoy it and that you’ve learned as much from her as I did!
Follow Kerri on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kerrileewalsh/
Follow The VolleyTalk Podcast: https://www.instagram.com/thevolleytalkpodcast__/
Check out p1440: https://www.p1440.com/
Check out XPT water training: https://www.xptlife.com/xpt-swimming-training-program