A review of the week's news including... Guards remain at Southland property after an 8 year old boy is killed, counsellors unpaid as Mike King's Gumboot Fund runs out of cash, Mike King discusses counselling fund shortage, Bridges unapologetic for hardline welfare policy plan, career criminal blames state care for his life of crime, Royal Commission hears of murder after state care violence, Labour warned of waning support from Indian community, abortion: New rules 'unfair' on objecting doctors - Sir Bill English, workers at SkyCity Convention Centre raise safety concerns, ferry company fined $380,000 for speeding and hitting a rock, chips and popcorn may be banned from early childhood centres, Canterbury farmers say they're at breaking point, Marlborough ex-teacher admits to sexual relations with students, no prosecution despite the deaths of native eels, vets keep close watch on leopard seal shot in Auckland and who will be the next All Blacks coach?