Halloween, also known as Samhain, is the most important of the eight Wiccan festivals.
It’s a magical mix of reverent honoring of our ancestors, and boisterous celebration of the year’s final
harvest. It’s when the veil thins..the realms of the physical and spiritual overlap.
Scorpio Invocation For Samhain.
By Raven Kaldera, with additions by Lisa Miranda.
Desert’s child of the scorching heat
Bearing each night of barren cold
Springing from the core of the earth
Underground water running beneath
Darkest cave of mysteries
You whose gift is desire,
Bless us with the ability
To follow our true passions!
By the power
Of all that transforms
Bless us with the strength
To forever stoke
The inner flame.
May we go forth
With lust for life,
And, as we do so,
May all we desire
Come to us
In the right way
At the right time
To serve our highest good.