Sirian Transmissions & MFKZT
During this “Day out of time”, as it’s called in one of the Mayan calendars, The 25th of July symbolises the alignment of our sun with the local White Dwarf, Sirius, which is like a sun in a pension that became a massive influencer on the spacetime fluctuations.
Similarly to the Mayan culture, other ancient advanced civilizations gave special importance to the Sirius constellation. It has a special role in the cosmic alignment & consciousness evolution regarding earth and our solar system.
Another example is the ancient Egyptian culture, where Sirius was associated with Isis, The high goddess of Egypt, which is also the great healer of the soul. One of her most important temples was a mining place and a factory for producing the MFKZT, also known as the bread for the soul or ORMEs in modern physics terms, which relates to Sirius B state of matter.
One version of the MFKZT that is particularly special, known as Cleopatra’s Milk, will be introduced and offered during this transmission, where you will get to experience it as well.
Together with all these topics above, the transmission will involve:
- Ancient civilization’s Hi-Tech
- Mayan calendars and sacred chronology
- Spacetime & multidimensionality
- Transdimensional geometry & Ontological Math
- Cosmic consciousness crystallization
- The complete structure of the psyche
- Alchemy, The philosopher's stone & MFKZT
- ESP demystification & soul evolution
- Longevity, love & immortality
Inspirational treasures waiting to be revealed.
Those who diligently seek wisdom shall find it.
There's so much to be told...
If you are curious, come, join me