Brittanie shares her early birth story with her first babe. She shares how birthing a dead baby shapes her matrescence, and how it feels to become a mother for the first time when you have birthed death, when you do not have a babe in your arms. Brittanie shares how she was bullied and verbally abused by health care providers and how she ultimately navigated herself out of the system and into complete self-authority and power, birthing her first babe freely and at home. Brittanie and I go down some important and powerful tangents, discussing birth trauma, systemic abuse, and how the patriarchal system is failing to centre women. It's a great chat to listen to if you're passionate about sovereignty, bodily autonomy and radical responsibility. I honour Brittanie's first birth, I honour her matrescence, I honour her postpartum, I honour her baby, and I honour her as the mother of three. You will always be this babes mother.