Today we take a deep dive into Jivana Heyman's amazing yoga mind: his views on yoga philosophy, ego, the teacher-student relationship, the use of touch and adjustments in the practice, just to name a few of the topics we cover. And of course, we dive into his new book, Accessible Yoga, and gain insight on why he wrote it, and who he wrote the book for. About Jivana:
Jivana is the founder of Accessible Yoga, co-owner of the Santa Barbara Yoga Center and an Integral Yoga Minister. With over twenty years of training and teaching in a traditional yoga lineage, Jivana has specialized in teaching the subtle practices of yoga: pranayama, meditation, as well as sharing yoga philosophy. His passion is making Yoga accessible to everyone. Jivana’s strengths are sharing esoteric and complex teaching in a readily accessible way, and applying the ancient teachings of Yoga to our day-to-day lives.
Jivana's evocative introduction to the book; yoga philosophy re-interpreted in an accessible, easy-to-absorb way (4:09)
Is yoga a science? (6:22)
Jivana on cultural appropriation (10:36)
Jivana on capitalism and ego (14:54)
The importance of revisiting yoga philosophy by ourselves as a form of self-inquiry and practice (17:39)
Understanding the philosophy explains what we feel in our practice (22:48)
The importance of scope of practice (28:32)
Suffering and yoga (30:14)
Jivana's take on assessing privilege, and skill, appreciate it, be honest with it, and share it without a sense of saving people (38:44)
The fine line of teaching --Do you go in to "fix" your students or to "facilitate" healing? (38:44)
Re-evaluating the teacher-student relationship (40:17)
As teachers, we cannot assume we know more about someone else's body than they do (45:18)
Jivana's path to serving his community with his passion for yoga (52:17)
The community aspect of yoga (56:49)
Jivana's concerns about touch, consent, authority and trust in yoga (57:38)
Instagram: Jivana Heyman's @jivanaheyman
Instagram: Accessible Yoga @accessibleyoga
Instagram: Accessible Yoga Training @accessibleyogatraining
Facebook: Jivana Heyman's page
Facebook: Accessible Yoga's page
Facebook: Accessible Yoga Training's page
Jivana Heyman's Book: Accessible Yoga
Episode 27: Aisha Fakhro - Neuroplasticity, Harnessing Resilience, and Transformative Potential
Jivana's website - Find out everything you need to know about the Accessible Yoga movement
Jivana's Accessible Yoga Conference
Jivana's recommended reading list:
The Secret Power of Yoga by Nischala Joy Devi
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Edwin Bryant
Michael Stone's work &