On this episode I share 5 tips for when you’re taking the electrical journeyman exam.
Here’s the tips
- The Exam time doesn’t start until you press start on the test screen. Use this time to put tabs (which are provided by the test site) in the NEC on sections you want to find easily. Like different tables.
- Use your scratch paper to write down equations you know you might use on the exam. This helps you to not trip up when answering a question that needs an equation. For example: I wrote the constant of copper which is 12.9 because it’s used to calculate voltage drop and the the equation: 2kil/CM. I wrote 3.732: the square root of 3 also: P/E•I & E/R•I for ohms law. I knew these things, I just didn’t want to go blank trying to remember them under pressure.
- Don’t spend longer than 1 and a half minutes trying to answer each question. Some questions are designed to trip you up and waist your time. If it’s taking too long to find the answer just guess and mark it. There will probably be a few questions you can answer correctly in the same amount of time you might waist on a question designed to eat up your time.
- If one of the questions is something like: if you are troubleshooting a house that was built prior to 1955 and has a main electrical panel the is Federal Pacific, what should you do? The answer is: replace the panel (trust me)
- Remember: all of the exam questions that can be found in the NEC will be asked in a formate that is word for word from the NEC. So when you find that answer in the NEC then you can be confident you got it right.
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