In this special segment we will explore the lies, stories, resistances, excuses, and energetic blockages we have for not starting or staying committed to releasing the physical weight.
Listen in and receive a free energy clearing for the word "DIET" and around Procrastination!
Deb Hanneman, is an Energy Healer specializing in assisting Moms to release the physical and energetic weight that holds them back from the joyful, healthy, prosperous career /business and life they desire. If you are over-stressed and over-weight, Deb can help!
Deb offers a unique approach to physical weight release that incorporates releasing the emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual energy blockages that “weigh” us down, along with becoming conscious of and making healthy shifts in nutrition and exercise. Deb also specializes in releasing food addictions, cravings, and emotional eating.
Deb helps her clients to be slim, fabulous, spiritually connected, and experience a lightness of being – both physically and energetically.
Right now – she is offering FREE 20 minute Energy Scan for Weight Release for those ready to make a physical and energetic transformation. Deb will intuitively identify your top 4 energetic blocks that "weigh" you down, share what keeps you from starting or staying committed to weight release, and explore how you can transform your life – physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. To request an application, click here (non-moms welcome to apply)
You will also receive a free bonus audiorecording "Be Lean, Light, and Fabulous in 2013"