Unfortunately, there are many mental health myths and even stigmas floating around. Dr. G and Dr. Meghan Marcum discuss some of these common mental health myths, the actual mental health facts and how we can all help remove the stigma attached to mental health in the first place!
There are several common mental health myths and stigmas:
1. Public Stigma or Social Stigma
2. Perceived or Internalized Stigma
3. People associate the term mental health with mental illness
4. People with mental health symptoms or mental health diagnoses are dangerous or unpredictable
5. Mental health is the sign of the devil or being posessed by a demon
All of these thoughts regarding mental health can be hurtful and these stigmas can negatively impact getting the necessary help that someone may need.
One of the ways we can all reduce the stigma attached to mental health is simply by talking about it. We create videos around mental health, therapy, and psychology topics to help reduce these stigmas and provide more awareness. We would love to hear your stories!
This Podcast was produced by: TherapyCable