This week's travellers on the podcast is travel couple Alvaro and Olivia
Alvaro & Olivia's story, hear how they met can you guess ? Alvaro from Spain and Oliva from England is a tale like no other.
Listen as they talk about packing in the 9-5, selling all their belongings and turning their hand at travelling full time, then it hit! Covid-19 bringing a halt to their adventure almost as quickly as it started.
They faced a world first in the pandemic and had a matter of hours to get from one side of the world to another! or faced being stranded in a foreign country with the world going into lock down one country at a time.
They discuss the best moments from their adventures like trekking to base camp and volunteering with children. we talk travel regrets and future plans they hope to fulfil like seeing the Olympics and blossom season in Japan.
We talk about their changes of circumstances in the past few moths from traveling the world free as bird to bunking with parents in a converted attic space until its time to set off again. Don't forget starting their own podcast which is more than worth a sub and a listen.
This episode is not one you will want to miss. so sit back, plug in your headphones and listen.
Remember to subscribe to the static traveller podcast and you can now watch the interview on YouTube so don't forget to subscribe to my channel.
You can also follow The Static Traveller podcast on Facebook and Instagram and subscribe on every major podcast platform.
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You can also see all of the latest posts from @Wearealvaroandolivia on the links below, you can follow them on Instagram, check out their Blogs and websites.
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Music by - @Ikson