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My weekly gaming podcast, where I discuss the latest and greatest gaming topics and current gaming news. Welcome to theWeeklyCore!!!... more
FAQs about theweeklycore's podcast:How many episodes does theweeklycore's podcast have?The podcast currently has 83 episodes available.
June 03, 2016theweeklycore Ep 30: Games of SummerThis week show Im talking about my time with overwatch. Weekly deals. Games of Summer. And sharing few great co-op games to play. Sit back and relax and enjoy a whole new theweeklycore...more37minPlay
May 27, 2016theweeklycore Ep 29: Two New xboxes...Winning!This week show, I'm chatting about two new xbox one consoles coming soon, Nintendo new handheld. Great weekly deals and also how I got into RPG gaming. Sit back and relax and enjoy a new theweeklycore...more47minPlay
May 20, 2016theweeklycore Ep: 28 Uncharted 4 Game of the year!This week I'm talking about why Uncharted 4 is my game of the year. Great Weekly deals from xbox and Ps4. Also sharing my favorite handle system. Sit back and relax and enjoy a whole new theweeklycore...more46minPlay
May 13, 2016theweeklycore Ep 27: E3 Games PreviewWelcome Christian my guest co-host for this week. Today show we are chatting about E3 games that will be at E3 this year. Uncharted 4, New Pokemon trailer, Assassin's Creed movie trailer. Sit back and enjoy a whole new episode of theweeklycore...more1h 20minPlay
May 06, 2016theweeklycore Ep 26: Overwatch BetaThis week, Im talking about Overwatch Beta, more nintendo rumors and games that I hated but now love. Sit back and relax and enjoy a whole new theweeklycore...more36minPlay
April 28, 2016theweeklycore Ep 25: Gamer DebateThis week, I have my first guest cohost Melanie. And we do adebate on Kingdom Hearts. Weekly Deals, Chatting it up on what isgoing on with Nintendo. Sit back and relax and enjoy a whole newepisode of theweeklycore ...more52minPlay
April 22, 2016theweeklycore Ep 24: Damn Playstation back at it againThis week show, I'm talking about playstation Neo or 4.5, few great weekly deals, and share a funny story about how I got my first PS2. Sit back and enjoy a whole new theweeklycore...more40minPlay
April 15, 2016theweeklycore ep 23: Gamers StereotypesThis week show I'm talking about gamer stereotypes that piss me off and some that I love. More Quantum Break, and Blizzard Entertainment getting DDOS. Also I announce a new youtube show! Sit back and relax and enjoy a whole new theweeklycore...more47minPlay
April 08, 2016theweeklycore Ep 22: Quantum BreakThis week show, I talk about Quantum Break, theweeklycore's Youtube channel, and I try to create my own game in 3 mins. Sit back and relax and enjoy a whole new theweeklycore...more33minPlay
April 01, 2016theweeklycore Ep21:Tips On Starting A PodcastYear two is now in full effect. This week show, I'm talking about Final Fantasy News. Sharing fews tips on what to do when starting your own podcast. Sit back and relax and enjoy a new theweeklycore....more36minPlay
FAQs about theweeklycore's podcast:How many episodes does theweeklycore's podcast have?The podcast currently has 83 episodes available.