Thin Places is back! Over the next few months, we'll turn our attention from thin places in space, and toward “thin places'' in time.
We’ll hear stories of people who step across a threshold into a new chapter of their lives. And when they look back through that doorway, they find that their past looks different. They’ve stepped into a new story, and they look back at their past they see gifts to bring with them: pearls of great price. They also see wounds that need to heal, or patterns or habits that don’t fit anymore.
We have some moving stories in store for you—and are looking for even more stories! So if you’ve had an experience that transformed your perspective on your past, reach out! Sharing stories is one way that we grow together in faith and love and solidarity. As this season goes on, we’ll also use these stories from our own individual life to reflect together on the history of this parish, Zion.