Martin Spindler und Marcel Weiß sprechen in der zweiten Folge der Automobilreihe über den Stand der Elektromobilität und wie diese die Automobilbranche umkrempeln wird.
Die Serie zum Umbruch in der Automobilbranche:
Thingonomics 19: Der Umbruch der Automobilbranche (Teil 1 der Serie)A Push for Diesel Leaves London Gasping Amid Record PollutionLondon to introduce £10 vehicle pollution charge, says Sadiq Khan | Environment | The GuardianElectric cars are set to arrive far more speedily than anticipatedNorway is reaching tipping point for electric vehicles as market share reaches record breaking 37% | ElectrekEU genehmigt deutsche Infrastruktur für Elektroautos |heise AutosElectric vehicle battery cost dropped 80% in 6 years down to $227/kWh – Tesla claims to be below $190/kWhSinofsky: My New Electric Car Is Really Like a PhoneHere’s How Electric Cars Will Cause the Next Oil CrisisBatteries May Trip ‘Death Spiral’ in $3.4 Trillion Credit MarketUnification is the Automobile Industry’s Path to MobilityStudy: Consumers Ready to Buy EVs If Product RightMartin im Netz: IoT-Newsletter „Internet of People Observatory“,… Zur Episode