Let’s have the conversation before the conversation…
People get uncomfortable when we have a conversation about the rights of women.
Like with your commitment to financial security, or your political party, or even if and to whom you choose to worship…there are so many levels.
I’m not here to make you uncomfortable.
But did you know, that the world is searching for gender equality? Google shared this video of the most looked up terms.
And did you know that most looked up word in last year was feminism?
Supporting Women's Day, does not make you against men. It is seeing how far we've come.
Consider that, without women before us paving the way, we would not be able to vote. Or own land. Or a home. Or have our own banking account. Or pursue our own dream.
Doesn't that just seem...outrageous? It does to me.
That's why today, I honor those who made life better for me.
Women’s International Day
Did you know that WID has been observed for more than 100 years?
International Women's Day is celebrated in many countries around the world. It is a day when women are recognized for their achievements without regard to divisions, whether national, ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic or political.
Here's How You Can Show your support
You can support International Women’s Day by:
1. Call Mom. Express your gratitude. Honor those who have led the way.
2. Choose your words more carefully.
“word choice makes a huge difference in how you portray yourself and how you make women feel. Men are expected to fulfill a stereotype of strength and aggression, while women are expected to be deferential and fragile.”
3. Stand up so that all girls can have an education and work to support herself.
- 2/3 of the 774 million illiterate people in the world are female
- 31 million girls of primary school age are out of school
- 80% of women in America become mothers by the age of 45
- research has shown that childless women are penalized by our bias that women “will become mothers.”
4. Support & celebrate men who support women & make family a priority.
When men have a healthier work/life balance women are allowed are given space to realize their potential
Men can join MARC, Men Advocating Real Change
5. Help those who are re-entering the workplace.
Path Forward is on a mission to empower women and men to restart their career after taking time off for caregiving. Our work with program participants and enlisting new partner companies is directly supported by your contributions.
6. Make a donation. There are several organizations that support women’s roles and gender equality.
7. Commit to supporting the #PressforProgress in the year 2018
#pressforprogress in 2018
- Maintain a gender parity mindset
- Challenge stereotypes and bias
- Forge positive visibility of women
- Influence other’s beliefs/ actions
- Celebrate women’s achievements
More resources:
The Irish Times https://www.irishtimes.com/life-and-style/people/international-women-s-day-everything-you-need-to-know-and-do-1.3418380