Is LinkedIn really professional? You decide! Here are some quotes from this week's podcast:
00:00:01.890 --> 00:00:11.820
Lauryn: it's turned into like a you know it's like Facebook
professional Facebook everyone uses it i've seen marriage proposal
update someone's having a baby.
00:00:13.230 --> 00:00:14.130
Dr. Jennifer Edwards (she, her, hers): On linkedin.
00:00:14.610 --> 00:00:28.560
Lauryn: Yes, and that's what i'm like like Google post anything but
people love the content level like I know this isn't typical linkedin
manner, but I just so much going on in my life and i've got another
listen and people are eating it up.
00:00:29.880 --> 00:00:36.690
Dr. Jennifer Edwards (she, her, hers): So I guess is linkedin the new
professional Facebook and i'm just going to ask the Group is there a
00:00:37.230 --> 00:00:53.250
Dr. Jennifer Edwards (she, her, hers): You know, individuals or
companies or cities or counties or States could use it in a way that
is not being utilized right now that would make you as a person, more
engaged with that organization or the platform linkedin in general.
00:00:55.140 --> 00:01:13.860
Lauryn: yeah that's good, I will say like I followed like like Dallas
county they post a lot of jobs and a lot of dates which is good enough
like if more people knew about it, you know i'm i'm not it's a really
good resource, I will say that I just like him we have kind of
00:01:15.750 --> 00:01:16.470
Dr. Jennifer Edwards (she, her, hers): From ambition.
00:01:18.660 --> 00:01:21.570
Lauryn: And the question should be what is acceptable to post on
00:01:21.570 --> 00:01:21.930
00:01:24.540 --> 00:01:26.700
Dr. Jennifer Edwards (she, her, hers): Okay, so what is acceptable to
00:01:30.690 --> 00:01:40.500
Lauryn: I mean i've like, if you want to post life, a bit that's why
we have Facebook like it literally has a life event portion don't post
The Rural Communication Institute and the Texas Social Media Research Institute
Tarleton State University
Shitara Taylor, Tarleton State University
Anna Laurent, M.A., Tarleton State University
Lauryn Harris, Tarleton State University
Ahmet Aksoy, Texas Tech University
Sydney Brown, Tarleton State University
Renata Maron, International Commmunication Practitioner Fellow
Angela Castillo, Texas Wesleyan University