***Earphones highly recommended for this low audio recording!***
The purpose of this recording is to provide myself with documentation on my "dream world" and thought process. I can't be the only one whose conscience is drowned by the day to day monotony, anxieties, and depression. Therefore, I'm opening myself up to whoever wants to listen with the hope that my most vulnerable state can help another person.
To set the scene, I ate 4.27 grams of magic mushrooms. When the time was right, I laid safely in my bed with a big white pillow over my face. The purpose of that was so when my eyes would jolt open (cause that happens), I wasn't back in my room bringing me back to reality. Instead of seeing black when my eyes were closed, I saw solid white. It almost looked like I was staring right into an IMAX screen. This allowed me to stay in my mind until I was ready to remove the pillow. I was also listening to a "Shrooms" playlist on Youtube with earphones to allow my "dream world" to completely envelope me.
It was amazing.