Welcome to another episode of Third Millennium Education. This week we are so excited to have a special episode consisting of two guests, Mark Rogers and Zarah Printer. We are going to hear from their view on the current education system, and the importance of supportive educators and caregivers in their lives, and how they benefited from it.
“One of the main things that I hear from young people over and over again, we actually want to be heard.”
“Love should never leave. Represent the fact that when your childhood and your adolescence is disrupted, it doesn't mean that you don't need what every child needs, which is somebody to love you and care for you and to never stop doing those things.”
“Caregivers and educators are supposed to be somebody who's rooting for you, supports you, challenges you but never gives up on you. And that's the challenge. And that's what the covenants really are.”
“We need to be empathic in our relationships. And we need to be relationship focused, because the evidence shows that it helps children to be more successful.”
“Two main things need to be focused on, understanding the needs of children that they look after. And tailoring the educational system for this cohort.”