How many productivity systems have you tried? Five, Ten, Twenty!! From Filofax to dozens of apps for the phone - You've tried them all.
They will never work for you but it's not your fault.
They are designed for non-entrepreneurs (even the ones marketed to you!!). Entrepreneurs make up roughly 5% of the population. Fortunately, there is a productivy system which will work for you and it will take you just a few minutes to set up.
This podcast will show you how it's done and when you try it - it's magic.
There is a workbook you can download for free associated with this podcast. You can access it at
Give this a try and see why this system is so revolutionary.
PS Hey if you are ready to get serious about starting a new project here are couple of ways I can help you
* Download my new book "Your First Dollar" - This is the fastest way I know how to get you to start a business you are going to be excited about - even if you only have a couple of hours a week.
* Get trained by me at NicheStyle Academy - If you're serious about getting to $10,000 a month you need a coach - just send me an email with the subject line "Interested" and I'll send you the details
* Partner with me - every now and then I work with a partner to help them launch a new product or create a new campaign - If this is interesting to you send me an email to [email protected] with the subject "Partner Opportunity" Where you can find me.
The Blog: