In my discussions with friends and colleagues, this time of Quarantine for Covid-19 changed our lives and livelihoods, bringing many new struggles as well as many new skills. Musicians performing lives were brought to a halt, but we still found ways to join, make music, and teach music, and we shared our art in completely new and creative ways.
Now in the New Normal, what does our landscape and life look like, and how do we bring what we learned during Quarantine into the New Normal?
This is what we will be discussing in our new series Defining the New Normal for Musicians.This week, we look at Empathy. Under the initial threat of Covid 19 we were all united under the same fear, the same danger to our lives, and that united us in many other ways as well. In the new normal, we see news of protests, divisions, and most recently the killing of Amahd Arbury, and I find myself wishing for that feeling of United Empathy again. How do we bring what we learned about Empathy into the New Normal. That is our discussion with Denis Wick Artists Arnetta Johnson and Kevin Woods on This Is You.
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